How contact lenses work

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Over half of Americans in the United States require vision correction with prescription eyewear. However, many patients don’t want to wear eyeglasses or have their vision corrected in this manner. Perhaps they are tired of their glasses sliding down their nose or fogging up when leaving or entering buildings in the winter. Maybe they can’t find eyeglasses that feel comfortable or work with their lifestyle. In situations such as this, patients might start considering the benefits of using corrective contact lenses instead. At The Eye Care Institute, we are excited to offer contact lenses for patients ready to enjoy freedom from prescription eyeglasses.

What is the purpose of contact lenses and how do they work?

Contact lenses are actually smaller prescription lenses that are worn directly on the eye. They are designed to help in correcting refractive errors to improve one’s vision quality. The patient places them onto the eyes, where they float above the natural tear film layer that coats the surface of the corner. These lenses are easy to place and remove, and most patients wear daily contact lenses that are disposed of at the end of the day. These lenses allow for vision correction that stays on the eye, moving naturally where a patient directs their eyes. Contact lenses are extremely small and flexible, and can help patients feel more confident than with wearing conventional eyeglasses.

Who can use contact lenses?

There are many different varieties of contact lenses that are used for vision correction. Patients who have nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism can all benefit from wearing contact lenses. Additionally, patients who need bifocals or multifocals can also use special types of contact lenses that can correct their vision accordingly.

Interested in contact lenses?

Many patients who wear prescription eyeglasses want to free themselves from eyewear. To do so, contact lenses may be the most affordable option. If you are ready to speak to our providers at The Eye Care Institute about the advantages of using contact lenses to improve eyesight, now is the time to connect with the doctors at our Louisville, KY area practice. We are conveniently located at 1536 Story Avenue and can be reach by phone at (502) 589-1500.


Stuart Urbach, MD In Memory


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