What is the EVO ICL Lens?

Why Choose ICL?

  • ICL may be a good option for people who are not ideal candidates to undergo LASIK, such as those who have too thin corneas or have a prescription that is too strong for laser vision correction.


What is the EVO ICL Lens?

Why Choose ICL?

  • ICL may be a good option for people who are not ideal candidates to undergo LASIK, such as those who have too thin corneas or have a prescription that is too strong for laser vision correction.

What Happens During the Procedure?

  • ICL is a relatively fast and painless procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis.

  • This procedure takes only minutes on both eyes during the same session. Prior to the procedure, a topical or local anesthetic will be used to numb the eye. If necessary, a mild sedative may be given. The EVO ICL is placed in the eye in front of the eye’s natural lens.

  • After insertion of the ICL lenses in each eye, that’s it. Patients are on their way home within 30 minutes after the procedure is complete.

Recovery for ICL

  • Patients are usually able to observe improved vision on the same day of their procedure. Optimal effects can typically be observed within one to seven days of the surgery. The total recovery period for ICL is generally short. Patients usually find that their eyes are healed completely within two months.

Advantages of ICL

  • Among the advantages of ICL is the fact that it can correct a wide range of nearsightedness and astigmatism without the need to damage or remove any corneal tissue or any of the eye’s other anatomy. The ICL can also be used even in patients with thin corneas, large pupils, or dry eyes.

EVO ICL’s Usefulness Changes Over Time

  • The EVO ICL does not treat presbyopia, which occurs when objects cannot remain clear and happens as part of the aging process. While ICL can provide near-normal vision, patients who experience normal distance vision may need to eventually use reading glasses for near work. This usually begins to take place once a patient reaches his or her 40s, regardless of whether they have had this procedure.

  • As cataracts develop, which happens to almost everyone, primarly in their senior years, EVO ICL’s are easily removed by the surgeon and replaced with a different type of lens.