The importance of regular student eye examinations

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Studies continue to show that approximately 80% of all learning occurs visually, which makes it incredibly important that children are evaluated regularly to determine their visual acuity. Students spend a lot of time in the classroom, and if they are unable to see the chalkboard or read properly, it can inhibit them from getting the knowledge they need to succeed and maintain good grades. Regardless of whether or not your child has told you they are struggling to see, it is critical that parents take their children to the ophthalmologist for routine eye examinations to monitor changes. Many conditions that are caught at their earlier stages can be easier to treat than those that are caught later on.

Why are routine student eye examinations important?

  • Much of a child’s learning comes visually, so poor eyesight can affect a child’s performance in school

  • Certain conditions that are caught sooner rather than later can be effectively treated easier than those left undiagnosed

  • Certain eye diseases do not show symptoms or changes that the child will notice on their own, so a thorough evaluation and diagnostic tests performed at The Eye Care Institute can spot these

  • Damage to the eye, such as scars or scratching on the cornea, may need to be evaluated by an eye doctor

How often should students have eye examinations?

Most schoolchildren will be just fine with eye exams every other year or every three years depending on their current situation. Children who have corrective lenses such as eyeglasses or contacts will want to be evaluated annually to look for changes in their prescription and maintain the best vision possible throughout the years.

Is your child in need of an eye examination?

Whether your child has complained of difficulty seeing the board at school or has not had any complaints about their vision recently, it is still vital that routine eye examinations occur to monitor for any changes in acuity. Louisville, KY area families are encouraged to call The Eye Care Institute at (502) 589-1500 to request an appointment with one of our various doctors at our facility, conveniently located at 1536 Story Avenue. We are dedicated to helping children and adults maintain vision regardless of eye problems.


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