Butchertown Clinical Trials and The Eye Care Institute Announce New FDA Approval: Dextenza® and Tyrvaya™

Our 13th and 14th FDA Approvals

The goal of our clinical trials at Butchertown Clinical Trials is to gain the approval of the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for medications, treatments, implants, or devices. We are proud to announce our latest FDA approval of Dextenza® and Tyrvaya™. Learn more by following the links below:Butchertown Clinical Trials and The Eye Care Institute Announce Our 13th FDA Approval Dextenza®, physician-inserted eye allergy treatment lasting up to 30 days.Butchertown Clinical Trials and The Eye Care Institute Announce Our 14th FDA Approval Tyrvaya™, the first and only nasal spray approved for signs and symptoms of Dry Eye Disease – Second Announcement in Two Days.


New LASIK Value and Cost Graph published today by The Eye Care Institute.


What is smoking doing to your eyes?