Brennan P. Greene. MD’s Clinical Trial Work Leads To Another FDA Approval! Game-Changing New Method For Glaucoma Treatment

The FDA recently approved Durysta (bimatoprost implant). Dr. Brennan Greene participated in clinical trials for this new treatment, which is the first and only sustained-release treatment of glaucoma.Durysta is implanted into the intracameral space (in front of the lens of the eye) by an eye doctor in the office setting. This eliminates the need for glaucoma eye drops in many persons with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension.The FDA approved clinical trial results, including data submitted by Dr. Greene, shows this in-office treatment lowered intraocular pressure by 5 to 8 points for patients with an average intraocular pressure of 25, for up to 12 weeks.Dr. Greene stated, “fatigue and difficulty in instilling one’s own eye drops is a significant reason many glaucoma patients are not able to self-control their glaucoma. This in-office injection, which has no pain or redness, and can only be seen under the microscope, is groundbreaking in both its effectiveness and in potentially allowing so many glaucoma sufferers to receive treatment using an alternative to eye drops.”After participating in the clinical trials, Dr. Greene became the first US ophthalmologist to receive a shipment of Durysta for in-office patient care.Dr. Greene, and the clinical trials team, worked on the portion of the clinical trial comparing the new injection to SLT (glaucoma laser surgery) during 2018 and 2019. “Allergan tested its bimatoprost implant in several trials, and we were honored to participate in part of this massive project, “ Mark Prussian, CEO of The Eye Care Institute, stated.  Prussian further went on to say this marks the 11th FDA approval for the clinical trials programs of The Eye Care Institute and our newly formed Butchertown Clinical Trials division.The Eye Care Institute has an extensive clinical trials program, and the primary care division is called Butchertown Clinical Trials. Those interested in helping advance science and receiving free treatment can be paid to participate in a clinical trial by submitting your name at this link. 


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