With So Many Over-the-Counter Eye Drop Recalls… Who Should You Trust?

By Renee S. Compton O.D.

Blink. Scroll. Scroll. Scroll. Blink. Scroll…. Did you know that your blink rate decreases by 66% while you are scrolling on your phone and working on your computer? Screen time has become one of the leading contributors to dry eye symptoms. It is estimated that Dry Eye Disease affects 10-20% of people in the U.S. and symptoms range from mild to severe.

Many people reach for over-the-counter artificial tears when their eyes feel dry or irritated. However, with recent recalls involving eye drops, how do you know if what you are using is a safe choice?

We have carefully consolidated a list of preferred over-the-counter artificial tears and dry eye products. We are providing this list for your ease of use and to ensure safety and confidence when it comes to your eye health.

Thanks to our friends @GoodRx for providing a list of eye drops recalls within the past several months.


New Clinical Trial - Do you have Demodex Blepharitis and wear Contact Lenses? See below!


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